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Thursday, September 25, 2008

If only and Crazy

I wonder how life would have been if we were born in a world without any set rules or standards. I mean who really made this rule that you should go to prep school at the age of three. Why should values be fed to you? Why should you be 'moulded' into a good human being? Don't these rules restrict the growth of the person? Left all by ourselves wouldn't we have discovered and grown into the person that we were meant to be instead of being programmed to do things that are 'supposed' to be done.But on the flip side, we could also turn wild if we live our lives only by impulse. So, i guess the best way to live life would be to follow certain rules and disciplines without being too rigid about them and do cRAZY stuff!
Day in and day out we do the same things. Life becomes so mechanical when all we do is go to work, come back, eat, sleep, etc. Doing crazy things breaks the monotony in life.One needn't do big crazy things.Small crazy things are more than enough, when done regularly, to break the pattern. Running in between trees, sending random text messages to friends, skip-hopping the way back home, laughing without any apparent reason are a few small crazy things that you can try. Some of them might not even be considered as crazy, but they certainly do add spice to life. Be crazy!
P.S. And suggest more crazy stuff to do :)


Anonymous said...

how about walking backwards(i did that till the crazyness waned out!)

Now i have to search for new ones!! ;)

Anonymous said...

i have tagged you!